It sounds silly, and it’s supposed to be. I want to inspire as many smiles as possible! As much thought outside the box available!

I don’t mean to inspire everyone to live the same tiny home minimalist on wheels life as me, but I hope the smile and the thoughts inspire you to find more happiness in your life and to share kindness with even the strangest of people.

We’re just human beings trying to find the meaning and purpose in our world. Yes, I believe it’s got something to do with love and continuous learning!

My best attempt to fill my children with wondrous exploration and perspective.

An attempt at making the world a better place, one kindness at a time, building connections between all of us puny humans.

Follow us, Support us, and Explore with us!

Create contact and show us your world and blessed soul!

Always grateful! Especially for the hard times. We get through it, too, and keep breathing!

Loving you!

Support us by zooming to paypal and dropping your wad at paypal.me/MatildaBugus

We now have merchandise ready for you to order! Represent and support at the same time! We love these shirts and we love you! Check it out!