#53122 Heart Pond Beach, MA

Helloo fair beings! Thank you for joining me on this day. I have a lot on my mind and don't really know how to approach it in writing. I hope those weird dreams I had processed my flailing of yesterday, though Im feeling pretty on edge and not knowing what I'm doing, though I'm doing … Continue reading #53122 Heart Pond Beach, MA

#52222Milford, PA

Presto Manifesto. Y'all. It was a connection from the fuse box to the injector pump. I feel so elated that the thing isn't dead and so furious that it's such a "simple" thing that took so long. Who figured it out? This cool guy named John who was brought over by a cool guy named … Continue reading #52222Milford, PA

#51322 GreenBelt MD

Well, I set a goal to really get back into writing, and as it goes, I neglect it more intensely. I've replaced my started twice! We broke down in the little Pee Dee state park and I spent a stressed night there rather than enjoying nature and a campsite. A kind mechanic ended up getting … Continue reading #51322 GreenBelt MD