202425 Montana

Hello lovely people.a lot has changed since I last posted. My last blog kinda got me fired along side the fact that I missed too much work due to having been sick, so I’m back to panhandling to afford rent and upcoming court fees.

I’ve also started a yoga teacher training and got over 30% in less than a month with 100% on every quiz I’ve taken so far. It’s also inspired some extra reading.

Court accepted my guilty plea and scheduled me for sentencing on the 23rd of February. I’ve filled out a presentencing investigation report and had a virtual meeting with an Idaho probation officer who was very kind. I got to send in character witness letters and a picture of my high-school diploma as well as a letter from my therapist. I’m fairly optimistic with all the lovely words people I know have written about me. I’m beyond grateful for the kindness

Caleb came back on a greyhound for three weeks about a week ago. We’ve been going hiking, running, taking the kids climbing, and doing yoga and reading books together including an emotional fitness for relationships. We went sledding too.

Galixy’s been doing her climbing class on Saturdays and is truly taking off with it. Caleb spoke to management at spire climbing gym to try and finagle the kids an affordable way to climb there. They’ve offered the kids a discounted punch pass which is amazing, though only a one time deal. I was definitely hoping for a little more help as currently I’m feeling the scarcity, however I’m super grateful for the deal.

Wondering how we’re really supposed to afford living here.

I gotta point out that I’ve hit a major bout of depression since being out of jail and it’s super demoralizing all around.

Crikett has come by to give us treats a few times and I’m super grateful. It cheered me a bit to see her again. And get to see her littles too.

The kids are doing ok in school. They’re report cards for 2nd quarter were acceptable. They dislike waking up in the morning and I don’t do well with routines, so I feel the stress of it all.

I do see how much I have to be grateful for and I really dislike that my mood is so down…

The kids have been staying in the house while I sleep in the bus, except when it hit -40° a few weeks ago. That was rough.

I could really use some financial support right now… and emotional support too. I feel in purgatory, trying my best day in and day out. But it’s really about the kids. I need help to get them into their activities which includes but isn’t limited to the climbing gym. They’ve really gotten into climbing since last summer and it’s such a great exercise, physically and mentally. As Caleb points out it’s more than a sport and can get them on a very awesome path in life. It’s $85/kid/month with a start up fee and able to be paid online, if anyone would be willing to invest in their future.

The other night atreyu climbed 30ft up for the promise of Pokémon cards crying almost the entire way up. Caleb was on a different route right next to him and got to cheer him on and felt very proud of his achievement. Galixy climbs that easily now that she’s had only 3 days of climbing gym class and she was just as scared as atreyu when she started that. So it didn’t take her much to go super far and it’s really kind of disappointing that spire doesn’t want to help out more but says they’re into furthering the next generation of climbers. With their deal it gives us maybe a month or two of climbing where I’ll only be allowed to belay them and I’m worried how much it’ll hurt them to have that taken from them.

I did post something on Facebook a little while ago where people shared where they met us and that warmed my heart a little. I’m just really hoping to have this path line up and be able to survive it with my faith still in tact.

I’m grateful for your help.

Thank you very much for following. I’m so hopeful.

On that note, I must reitterate that we do run mainly on your kind donations and I greatly appreciate your contributions. Every little bit helps. I accept donations via CashApp: $MatildaBugus and paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/matildabugus

If you’d like to peek at our Amazon wishlist follow the link below. We really appreciate those special wants/wishes/deferred needs finding their way to us possibly via your help! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3LUAOP5L0M5FY?ref_=wl_share

We now have merchandise ready for you to order! Represent and support at the same time! We love these shirts and we love you! Check it out!

CashApp: $MatildaBugus
Venmo: available upon request.

Feel more than free to Contact me. You can establish such via the Contact Me page here on the blog, OOOOOOOORRR! get on your facebooks and join the group “Spotting Bugus” or like the Matilda Bugus Page. Also availble on Instagram, Youtube, and the TikToks.

I hope you have lots to be grateful for.

Many blessingss

Share some smiles for me wherever you’re at.

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