#81023 Fayetteville

Hello! I don’t know why I feel like giving a recap on my whole life, so I fluffing won’t. I don’t even know what’s been going on really. I’ve just been keeping busy.

Caleb got out of the hospital. We had to drive back down to fayetteville to pick up Caleb’s ID and prescription. I used that chance to pack up our camp. We moved out of there and to the cabin Abby found us.

From there we rearranged to drive back to Charleston to pick up the mini fridge Caleb ha bought me from his cousin Matt’s. We stayed a night there. They have a beautiful house and I wish we’d spent more time there.

The next day we met Caleb’s mom, step dad and their household (2 adult children, one of their boyfriend, and two grandchildren) The kid’s really loved getting to hang out with the grandkids. I spent a lot of time talking to Lisa, Caleb’s mom, while he raided their food stashes.

On the 2nd, we had Caleb’s staples checked….. I’ve gotta say that the first few days… or week…. were super hard. He was in a lot of pain and very negative. At one point, he admitted to being a hypochondriac. He was feeling paranoid about infection, developed an ongoing uti, and felt like one of those intravenous silicone lines had broke off in his arm. Scraps, the dog, ran off a couple times into the neighboring campground, making Caleb worry. About a week ago, he tried pushing a broken window in his van back up and thought he ripped one of his interior stitches.

I tried to subdue his worries with logic and action. Icing and driving to the ER to have things checked out. Telling him he doesn’t need antibiotics if they didn’t prescribe it. Finding notes in release papers to allay his fears. Supportive to the max.

And when I couldn’t handle it anymore, I’d busy my hands. Plenty of laundry to be washed and hung on a line to dry… until a few days ago I found the working dryer. Scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom. Cooking nutritious foods. Tearing out Matilda’s fridge and my grandma’s sewing desk and putting in our new fridge while reorganizing our stuff. I still have to put the kids’ table back in but I figured I’ll only put in half the surface and eventually add a little shelf above the fridge which is sitting next to the stove now. I feel like I have a lot more space and organization right now.

The fridge is cool. I could probably use another battery for it…. The fact that the door opens from either side is actually kind of inconvenient since it’s popped off a few times…. but I think it’s plenty of space for what we need and even a little freezer I can’t see myself using! yay!

I definitely feel like I’ve kept beyond busy. Which didn’t really help me take care of myself. Trying to stay positive became almost impossible and I ended up crying. I ended up telling Caleb that I’m trying to be there for him but it sounds like he’s trying to leave me  at every turn and it makes it very hard for me.

I definitely feel like I was heard. His demeanor improved within a few hours. He finds he’s begrudgingly going to survive this afterall.

Yesterday they removed the staples. The doctors agreeing with me again about all of his concerns. In 4 days we’re seeing the urologist about the most inconvenient catheter.

After that we’ll make a roadtrip to PA and then a short trip to Montana to square away the homeschool registration stuff…

So that’s where I’m going to photodump

This trim pulled out the front of matilda. will miss my stickers
My right knee was mysteriously so swollen
New fridge!
He’s actually giving Gizzi some love
Atreyu and the 3 dogs
A pic Abby took a month or so ago of Caleb belaying me climbing

Lisa has some outside cats I befriended. There’s a few dogs, a guinea pig, and canaries, too!

I sent out and communicated with three of the five people I worked on trying to resolve myself about. I feel pretty satisfied about it. Not like I’m pleased with myself about it, but I feel like what I needed to say is out, almost uncertain I need to send or receive more….

Oh, a wonderfulness of this relationship and his awareness. He’s consistently remarking how appreciative he is of all the things I do, bragging me up to every one he talks to. The day after I did the most cleaning, organizing, building, washing Matilda beds’, kids, and the dogs, he insisted on me taking a rest day where he did all the things he could to keep the kids busy and fed. He even rubbed my feet!

It’s not been an easy couple of weeks. But I did take the time to talk to my family and loved ones. My mom, EMT and major naturopath was a consistent source of reassurance. Kim’s been an excellent source of uplifting me and making sure I’m holding my boundaries.

I am so very grateful for the people in my life.

I’ll be even more grateful when the next four days are over…. and we get to move a little again….. amongst other things.

On that note, I must reitterate that we do run mainly on your  kind donations and I greatly appreciate your contributions. Every little bit helps and gets us to explore just a little more of this exciting world. I accept donations via CashApp: $MatildaBugus and paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/matildabugus

If you’d like to peek at our Amazon wishlist follow the link below. We really appreciate those special wants/wishes/deferred needs finding their way to us possibly via your help! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3LUAOP5L0M5FY?ref_=wl_share

We now have merchandise ready for you to order! Represent and support at the same time! We love these shirts and we love you! Check it out!

CashApp: $Matilda.Bugus
Venmo: available upon request. 

Feel more than free to Contact me. You can establish such via the Contact Me page here on the blog, OOOOOOOORRR! get on your facebooks and join the group “Spotting Bugus” or like  the Matilda Bugus Page. Also availble on Instagram, Youtube, and the TikToks.

I do hope you have something to be grateful for. Many blessings!

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