#72323 Lansing WV

The sun is shining on my back, my coffee is frothy and the only being I currently have to worry about is my doggo Rhea… and myself. but we’re not hard contenders. Caleb has sent me off to do some “me time” while he’s watching the kids for a bit! How lucky am I??!

It’s definitely been a week! If you’re following my facebook page or tikkitok, you already know! We did the oilcooler! In the Walmart parking lot with much huff and much puff. I figured it’d be the bolt angle getting that off and back on thay would be difficult, but nay! It was the pulling apart and pushing back together of the oil cooler into the mount casings.

I started the project by myself. While I was letting the pb blaster soak on the bolts after draining all the fluids, a lovely lady named Brandy pulled up stating she’s got experience with old engines. She helped me pull her apart and figure out that I got the wrong gaskets. Brandy got onto ordering the right ones and ended updriving forty minutes to get them in a more timely manner.

Caleb was a huge help. He took his time to go climbing while I started the project and while waiting for the right gaskets, which left me feeling a little alone at certain points during those times, but I also realize that it was for the best and I can still handle myself. And I’m so grateful for all the work he did! Driving us from mechanic shop to mechanic shop to finally find Josh Perdue’s Hole to push the oilcooler back together (What a cool guy Josh is! So kind and handy with super interesting perspective on life.) Caleb made sure I was using all the right stuff and giving it enough time, reassuring me it would work out. He took the tricky side of bolts on the front of the oilcooler and then cleaned up my sloppy tightening job when it leaked all over after starting.

I was frazzled! This job was three big projects all in all and I really tried to be as courteous and conscious as possible doing it, but things happened differently. Walmart management came out half way through the job telling me they don’t actually want me there. Then this lady who’d donated a week earlier came up in a huff saying I’d scammed her and was keeping the kids in unsafe conditions and CPS had been notified because I didn’t have an air conditioner. Lastly the cops showed up because someone had reported my suspicious behavior of dancing signifying I was supposedly intoxicated. I have a feeling it was the same lady. I really wish that she’d do her due diligence if she’s feeling insecure about where her money went. I wish she hadn’t given me anything if she didn’t feel secure in herself to do so. I’m an open book and will lay myself as transparently as possible. I hold the microscope pretty close to what I’m doing, letting my moral compass lead me and questioning myself regardless.

“A beggars pride is that he is not a thief.” –Japanese Proverb

I don’t even feel like it wholly applies to me. I don’t steal out of respect for the people I will affect. I don’t hold that with pride. I really do see my kids and my life to be a worthy investment, but that doesn’t mean that you have to. I’m simply giving people the option to decide for themselves and making myself available for kindness. I do feel like I’m trying to reciprocate whether it’s by sharing my story, giving a listening ear to people who need it or feel alone, debate and share perspectives face to face, managing a divers education for kids, and empowering others. I live a busy and active life that I love and that’s where my pride is. Seeing my kids grow. Helping my friends grow. I can’t think of a better way to contribute to this world but to authentically live. The perspective of my being a burden to society, is just that. a perspective. I cannot appease everyone but I can try my dearest to be good to this earth and be kind.

So much has been going on. I’m kind of feeling a bit uneasy right now. Maybe because I feel like I’m defending myself to too broad an audience…. Imma distract with some photo dump to pull away from the stress of the walmart oil cooler situation

Brandy’s daughter made me this beautiful hat in less than 12 hours!!

The day we got the bus going we drove it to kaymoor for a little hike and Caleb to go climbing. the kids entertained themselves with the muddy path and gravel.

The next day after I did some big bus cleaning and organizing, we went to the summersville lake with Keith, Aron, and McKenna to paddle board and deep water solo some cliffs. I’ve been working on crocheting a hat, where I took the project to sit in the sun, but Caleb wasn’t having me sit there while for forever. The kids went into the water as soon as we got there and floated around with Caleb, Keith, and Aron, meeting people and climbing the cliffs. When Galixy got cold, I wrapped her in a towel and went with Caleb and Atreyu to climb a little. Honestly I did more laying in the sunshine on the paddle board watching people climb. I went halfway up an easy route but then realized I was gonna submerge too far into water I hadn’t been in yet and considered cold at that point, so after a lot of hesitation, I decided to downclimb a little before jumping off. I guess I have to build up to being courageous.

mushrooms on my way to fill up water jugs in the morning
a snake found itself a cool dark spot above the utility sink

Yesterday we took the kids to the Summersville fair! I was trying to meet up with Brandy, but I only saw her son who also had no idea where she was. It was a super sunny day, starkly contrasting the days we’d been working in the walmart parking lot being downpoured on. We rode all the rides and ate overpriced fair food. Lots of energy expended indeed!

Right, so about another week before the fridge arrives in Charleston. I made a tarp overhang over matilda’s entry and will be setting up the kids tent. I have a huge overhaul to do and I’m really not trying to procrastinate. My to do list is far too long to delay any more.

I’m so grateful for getting this oil cooler done. I’m grateful to have found a supportive human that I can openly communicate with. I’m grateful for my kids and the experiences we share. I’m so grateful for you. I’m grateful for Deb ordering two Matilda Bugus t-shirts off our online store! I hope I get to see a photo of her wearing one! I’m grateful for the sun and the green space I’m in. I’m so grateful.

On that note, I must reitterate that we do run mainly on your kind donations and I greatly appreciate your contributions. Every little bit helps and gets us to explore just a little more of this exciting world. I accept donations via CashApp: $MatildaBugus and paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/matildabugus

If you’d like to peek at our Amazon wishlist follow the link below. We really appreciate those special wants/wishes/deferred needs finding their way to us possibly via your help! https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3LUAOP5L0M5FY?ref_=wl_share

We now have merchandise ready for you to order! Represent and support at the same time! We love these shirts and we love you! Check it out!

CashApp: $Matilda.Bugus
Venmo: available upon request.

Feel more than free to Contact me. You can establish such via the Contact Me page here on the blog, OOOOOOOORRR! get on your facebooks and join the group “Spotting Bugus” or like the Matilda Bugus Page. Also availble on Instagram, Youtube, and the TikToks.

I better get on with my other projects that I’ve been needing some quiet time for. Parenting, letting you procrastinate you alone time with work. It is so nice to get work done without consistent interruptions. It was a subject between Caleb and I, stemming from a dream he had. It all concluded in the topic of “I haven’t had an ounce of time to myself in years to the point where I don’t have the luxury of fathoming what I would do with multiple days to myself. Now I’ve taken some time to visualize some sort of thing that would be very beneficial to everyone involved. Just being able to consider it lightens my burden immensely.

Sidetracked again. I could go on and on… in tries to avoid the next thing. I could also avoid it by doing some stretching before heading back. I have about another hour before I have to make the five minute drive back. I really didn’t go far.

I sincerely hope you are grateful. I hope someone is grateful for you

Many many blessings

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